5405 Wellness Policy




The rapid increase in childhood obesity, together with the early onset of chronic health problems has resulted in the nation’s need to address the health of our school age population. “Health and success in school are interrelated.”   In order to perform well at school students need to eat healthy and be active. “Schools cannot achieve their primary mission of education if students are not healthy and fit physically, mentally and socially.”  National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)


Students’ lifelong eating habits are greatly influenced by the types of foods and beverages available in their environment.  It is the aim of theNanuet School District to foster healthy eating and to encourage physical activity by supporting an atmosphere which promotes healthy food choices and provides an opportunity for daily physical activity. The Nanuet Board of Education believes that:


  • All students will be provided with sequential nutrition education that meets the state standards and is integrated with other subject areas.
  • Physical activity will be provided and encouraged before, after and during the school day.
  • The New York State School Service Association’s “Choose Sensibly Program” will be a model for the district.
  • Parents, students and staff will be encouraged to promote the district’s goals in all other school-based activities.


  • Implementation and evaluation of the Wellness Policy will take place in a timely and consistent manner.


To achieve these goals, a wellness committee has been created to recommend a policy to the Board of Education for its consideration. Once approved, this policy will be implemented by the superintendent.  The committee consists of parents, teachers, administrators, students, health professionals and a food service representative. 


The policy addresses the following areas:




  • In order to encourage a culture of physical fitness opportunities for daily physical activity will be provided.


  • On a regular basis, physical education classes will emphasize the four components of fitness: muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance.


  • An adequate student/teacher ratio will be maintained in order to ensure students’ safety, active participation and proper use of equipment.
  • Appropriate resource material for education about physical activity will be provided.
  • Emphasis will be placed on activities containing carry-over value for lifetime health and wellness.
  • Statistics regarding students’ fitness levels will be gathered and maintained for the purposes of evaluation and analysis.




  • Nutrition education will provide children with the knowledge and skills needed to lead healthy lives.
  • Nutrition education will occur from kindergarten through secondary school and will be integrated into other subject areas. 
  • Consistent nutrition messages will be provided throughout the school district.
  • Nutrition education will extend beyond the school environment by sharing information with and involving families and communities.
  • Coordination between school food service and nutrition education will occur.
  • The nutrition curriculum will promote a lifelong lifestyle balance by linking nutrition education and physical activity.
  • The program will meet all federal and state requirements and/or guidelines.




The district will establish and implement over a period of time the “New York State School Food Service Choose Sensibly Program” (see attachments).  These standards will be applied to all food and beverages made available to students by the district. These standards will be applied to vending machines, a la carte items and meals.  In addition,

  • Students shall have access to a variety of affordable, nutritious and appealing

      food choices that meet their health and nutrition needs.


  • Food providers shall offer a variety of age appropriate healthy food and beverage selections for elementary, middle and high school students.


  • All foods made available shall adhere to food safety guidelines.
  • Healthy choices for classroom snacks will be encouraged.
  • Meals will be served in a clean and pleasant setting.
  • A variety of fruits and vegetables will be offered.
  • Half of the served grains will be whole grains.
  • Drinking water will be available at all meal periods and throughout the school day.




  1. School Environment
  • The practice of using food as a reward or punishment should be discouraged.


  • Physical activity should not be used or denied as a form of punishment.


  • Recess will be scheduled for all elementary and middle school students; open gym will be available for high school students if space permits.
  • Students will have access to hand washing or hand sanitizing before meals and snacks.
  • Before and after school programs will encourage physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
  • The district’s wellness policy goals will be considered when planning school-based activities.
  • All students will have access to a nutritious breakfast prior to the start of the school day.

B. Family and community:


  • Schools will partner with parents and community members to institute programs that support nutrition education and physical activity.


  • The district will support recreational activities for students and community members by granting access to the district’s facilities outside of the school day.
  • Nutritional content of foods will be available to parents and students.
  • The school will provide information and outreach materials about programs such as food stamps to both students and parents.

C. Staff Wellness:


  • Staff will have access to nutritious meals as well as the use of the physical activity facilities within the school.
  • Staff will be encouraged to participate in health education/wellness programs.
  • The school district will provide in-service training to all staff on the components of the district’s wellness policy.




  • The district’s wellness committee will meet annually to monitor and assist in policy implementation.
  • A formal evaluation of progress toward the district’s goals will take place two years after the establishment of this policy.
  • Subsequent formal evaluations will take place every three years. 
  • A written report will be submitted to the superintendent after each evaluation.

/BOE Wellness Policy FINAL April 19, 2006